Tax for Australian workers just below the OECD average and other news and views

Workers in OECD countries pay one quarter of wages in taxes - OECD
Workers in OECD countries paid just over a quarter of their gross wages in tax on average in 2017, with just over half of countries seeing small increases in the personal average tax rate, according to a new OECD report.

Taxing Wages 2018 shows that the “net personal average tax rate” – income tax and social security contributions paid by employees, minus any family benefits received, as a share of gross wages – was 25.5% across the OECD. This OECD-wide average rate, calculated for a single person with no children earning an average wage, has remained stable in recent years, but it covers country averages that range from below 15% in Chile, Korea and Mexico to over 35% in Belgium, Denmark and Germany. 

The Trump Administration Is Decimating the State Department - Slate

Inaction over live sheep exports reveals our politicians are losing their moral compass - Fairfax

'We're doomed': Mayer Hillman on the climate reality no one else will dare mention - The Guardian
The 86-year-old social scientist says accepting the impending end of most life on Earth might be the very thing needed to help us prolong it
Germany's Incredibly Shrinking Role on the World Stage - Der Spiegel
With a wayward president at the helm in the United States, the world has become a more dangerous place. In response, though, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is once again steering Germany to the foreign policy sidelines, clearing the way for French President Emmanuel Macron.
Terry McCrann: Michael Kroger wastes $3m, seeks re-election  - Herald Sun
It defies all common sense that the state Liberal Party could consider re-electing a president at its council this weekend who has thrown away up to $3 million of increasingly precious party funds in absolutely pointless legal action.
Indeed, it gets even more bizarre, because the way the legal action has ended up — with a decision pending after the weekend vote — the “best” the party can now hope for is to lose the case and lose comprehensively and totally.
Because then it might have thrown away only $2 million!
What Happens if Trump Pulls Out of the Iran Nuclear Deal? - Haaretz
As France's Macron offers a 'new deal' in bid to salvage the JCPOA, what would the U.S. gain by pulling out and how might Iran react? 


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