Big business is getting too big and other news and views

Big Business Is Too Big -The New York Times
The big airlines. The hospital systems that dominate many metro areas. Gigantic retailers like Walmart and Amazon. And, increasingly, technology companies like Facebook and Google. The United States has an oligopoly problem — a concentration of corporate power that has been building for years but is only now starting to receive serious attention from policymakers, think tanks and journalists. ... Washington’s lenient approach to corporate power in recent decades — from both parties — has aggravated inequality, and it’s time for that approach to change.
The country with the world's worst inequality is ...  - NPR
By World Bank Estimate, South Africa Is The World’s Most Unequal Country
In this list of 149 countries and territories, the World Bank estimates income inequality around the world. On a scale of 0 to 100, 0 represents total equality.

Why We Need Women in the Military - Project Syndicate
As the nature of the military’s tasks changes in many regions, women's potential contributions become even more valuable. To enable women to realize this potential, however, persistent discrimination and other challenges – related, for example, to sexual harassment, health, and work-life balance – must be addressed.
An elegy for handwriting? - Times Literary Supplement
A volume chronicling cacography – poor handwriting – might not sell as well as one on calligraphy, but it deserves its history too, and will certainly have its future. For those who are truly latter-day Aquinases, with a natural difficulty in being legible, the keyboard is a saving grace.
Xi’s Long March on American Democracy - Foreign Policy
The United States can’t sit back and watch as China quietly colonizes the West.
China Bans Online Bible Sales as It Tightens Religious Controls - New York Times
The Chinese government has banned online retailers from selling the Bible, moving in the wake of new rules to control the country’s burgeoning religious scene. ... new government religious regulations that have effectively tightened rules on Christianity and Islam, while promoting Buddhism, Taoism and folk religion as part of President Xi Jinping’s efforts to promote traditional values.


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