Alfie’s story has not been black and white but full of grey – and emotional pain plus other editorial comment from home and abroad

Turnbull’s cash top-up is a welcome boost for WA’s needs - The West Australian

The penny has dropped. Or in this case, the dollars and cents.
For what seems like an eternity, this newspaper, and to be fair, WA politicians of both Liberal and Labor stripes in Canberra and in the house on the hill here, have been making the point that WA is being ripped off when it comes to our share of the GST kitty.
And while we do not want to count our chickens just yet, it seems that at long last, the message has got through to Canberra.
It would be nice if the recognition that WA has been missing out on its fair share was based purely on what is fair and right — and indeed, of benefit to the nation.
But there can be no escaping the reality that some of the attention we are getting is to do with the Federal Government and Opposition getting their houses in order ahead of the next election.

US' investment policies target China's tech drive: China Daily editorial - China Daily

The United States talks a good game about "unfair" trade practices. But the actions it has taken belie its words.
On the one hand, it is demanding China open its market to US companies. On the other, it is creating obstacles for Chinese investments in the US that do not accord with the principle of fairness, equality and reciprocity that it says it is upholding.
That it is unwilling to compete on a level playing field has been revealed once again by reports that the US Treasury is reportedly considering ways to set limits on Chinese investments in the country's high-tech fields by invoking an emergency powers law and bringing forward security review reforms for corporate acquisitions.
For years Chinese companies have invested in the US, creating jobs and deepening relations between the world's two largest economies. Yet that mutually beneficial momentum has met strengthening headwinds due to the increasingly tougher regulatory environment encountered by Chinese enterprises with plans to invest in the US.
To rationalize its increasingly unfriendly investment policies toward China, Washington is trying to give Beijing a bad name, accusing it of being a thief of intellectual property. But this accusation is both unfair and unfounded.

Put wealth back into the commons The Straits Times, Singapore

The Commonwealth, by contrast, remains a potentially influential exponent for free trade. It is approximately 19 per cent cheaper to trade within the group, than it would be outside. Moreover, its members are bound together by the English language, and similar legal systems and largely common financial systems that help to make their economic transactions politically predictable and reliable. Britain could now help reinvent the Commonwealth and make it, if not quite a trade bloc - which might be a stretch politically - then a powerful voice championing free trade. Britain’s decision to leave the EU could have many downsides. But Brexit also affords the country an opportunity to resume its historical role as a free-trading nation and revive the prospects in like-minded countries. 

Alfie’s case cannot be decided by law alone - Daily Telegraph, London 

Who can read the story of Alfie Evans’s young life without feeling the most profound sympathy for his parents? Tom Evans and Kate James have sought what any mother and father would want for their sick child: to give him a chance to live. Yet they were told by doctors that his unexplained, debilitating brain disorder leaves him no likelihood of survival – and that it would be wrong to continue keeping the 23-month-old baby alive artificially with such a bleak prognosis. The courts agreed and blocked his parents from taking Alfie abroad to the Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome. There, he would be kept on life support, which Alder Hey hospital in Liverpool, where he was treated, no longer thinks is appropriate.
The medical practitioners and judges who have grappled with this case since last December believe Alfie is going to die and should do so in the UK. His parents accept that he might die, but have argued for their right to try something else as a final, desperate measure. ...
Ultimately, Alfie’s story has not been black and white but full of grey – and emotional pain. Public opinion is on the side of Alfie’s parents because most of us can imagine their torment and their desire to keep their child alive. This is about more than the calculated application of the law. Most people share an overwhelming sense that the parents should be allowed to try everything to save their son, yet the law has apparently made this impossible. That does not seem just.


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