Bankers afraid of negative consequences if they speak up and other news and views

A quarter of UK bankers say their job is bad for their health - Financial Times
Major survey suggests many are afraid of negative consequences if they speak up about concerns

Banking Standards Board Annual Review 2017-2018 - UK
... a reluctance to speak out on issues certainly reflects, in part, fear of the consequences of doing so; but it also, and to a roughly equal extent, reflects the perception that nothing is likely to happen even if something is said. Fear and futility, in other words, are equally influential in constraining challenge. Firms need to think about not only how they encourage feedback, but also how they respond to it when it is received.

Torn to pieces: The rage inside the Greens' Batman machine - Fairfax papers
The internal campaign against Alex Bhathal is just the latest outbreak of fighting in a civil war between the Greens' old guard and its reformers, a painful transition from protest movement to a mainstream political outfit.
On the national stage, the high-profile battle between leader Richard Di Natale, with his centrist approach, and the hard-left NSW Senator Lee Rhiannon looks like it will be fought to the political death.

Tabloid India - Project Syndicate
Indian media today report news recklessly, and, in the interest of ratings, focus on ephemera that have no impact on the public welfare. But trivializing public discourse and abdicating their responsibility as facilitators and protectors of democracy has cost Indian journalists dearly in terms of public trust.
How the financial crash made our cities unaffordable - Financial Times
Since 2008, property markets in the world’s major cities have ‘synchronised’ and left nations and citizens behind
The Nation of Kangaroos - Peter Singer in Project Syndicate
We rightly oppose the invasion of one country’s territory by another. In The Outermost House, the American naturalist Henry Beston wrote, of nonhuman animals, “They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth.”We should take seriously the idea that taking land from wild animals is like invading another country, even if its inhabitants are of a different species.


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